Resident Council

Above all else, Carolina Village is our residents’ home. Therefore, we believe that residents should have a big say in our community. That is why the Resident Council works closely with the administration… To make life more fulfilling for every resident. Right here at home.

  • Residents speak with Jon Renegar

After all, Carolina Village was not created by a larger organization or a corporation.

From its beginning, Carolina Village has always been here to serve those who call it home. That’s our mission.

Resident Council Represents You

Each fall, all residents elect peer leaders for the following year. These leaders become the Resident Council. They meet monthly to:

  • Discuss and vote on new initiatives;
  • Support the 30+ Council committees; and
  • Provide feedback to the administration.

In this way, they serve as the voice of the residents.

The current Council roster can always be found on The Village Hub, our internal communication channel. Council members are only ever a phone call away.

Growing Big Ideas

First, Resident Council members are representatives of our vibrant community. But they are also instrumental in nurturing new ideas. In this way, the Village continues to offer an energetic and active community… A community that reflects our residents and their interests.

Carolina Village has more than 30 very active resident-directed committees. Each of these groups started as just an idea. From there, with Council support, they all grew into shared experiences.

For example, the Movies committee brings residents together every Saturday evening in shared cinema.

The Education committee brings learning series, including lively discussions, to residents often.

Those who participate in the Reading Buddies committee interact one-on-one with an elementary school student to help improve reading skills. But the residents get as much from the experience as the student does.

Now, that’s pretty special.

Whole-Person Wellness

A fulfilling retirement lifestyle includes all Eight Dimensions of Wellness. For that reason, the Resident Council encourages all residents to join committees and participate in a range of activities.

Some resident-led committees include:

  • Arts & Crafts
  • Audio/Video
  • Auditing
  • Education
  • Employee Appreciation
  • Fireplace Lounge Flowers
  • Gallery Display
  • Historian
  • Hospitality
  • Landscape Advisory
  • Library
  • Meet Your Neighbor
  • Memorial Services
  • Movies
  • One-on-One
  • Photography
  • Programs
  • Reading Buddies
  • Religious Life
  • Ring Checkers
  • Village Treasures Resale Shop
  • Wellness
  • Woodworking Shop